Tatting Shuttles by Veronica

Tatting Shuttles. Lacemaking Bobbins. Wooden. Hand-made.

I got most of my tatting shuttles from this shop. Not tried this one yet as I need to improve first but I am sure it'll be as good as the others I bought.

Jane Mallin
Review from the site etsy.com

Jolie navette, bien bombée idéale quand on travaille avec des perles. Merci

Virginie Miana
Review from the site etsy.com

Wonderful quality and arrived very, very well packaged!

Review from the site etsy.com

Even more beautiful than photo.Very talented!

Vika Fisher
Review from the site etsy.com

About Tatting Shuttles by Veronica


Tatting Shuttles Crafter

I make wooden tatting shuttles since 2010 and happy to bring my customers new shapes, designs and functions to inspire tatters for new endless creations.

Due to a great amount of requests in the past, when a lot of you used to know me as Veronica-shuttlemaker, a bit 'about me'... I have been studing on the evening department of the nearest university to my home as I know a lot of students are missing classes because of the distance from home and because I was failed to enter the daily departmnent, lol. I was blessed as I've understood later. This gave me an opportunity to work in the specialty when it is day. At the Graduation day I wrote a letter of resignation and never worked a day in my life as they told about a man who adore his hobby and makes it his business. That day in June, 2010 I didn't know what will I do with my Diploma of international industrial manager, but I did understood that all the works I've tryed didn't suit me at all. That was good sounded and well paid jobs like PR-manager on radio and trade marketing manager of autoparts and even agent of sea lines, etc. But I always wanted to craft something that nobody does! There was only one problem - I knew nothing nobody did! The day after that my grandfather has called me to congratulate with graduation and asked if I'd like to make tatting shuttles. Truly, I've agreed without thinking as it sounded like either a kind of madness (neither me nor anyone I knew had never heard about it and had no thoughts about what could it be and why) or like my chance to live happily. It was the second. I visited grandfarther, he gave me all the equipment he made by himself in 1980th for making shuttles for Nina Libin a lot of materials to start and brief instructions how to use it. When I got home I created a community in a Russian social network, and... in a day there was my first order! Later more shapes, types, woods and decorations had appeared. My grandfather asked me how do I do them and was admired by my resourcefulness. The best compliment in my life I got from him. He told me it is the time when a student surpassed his master. I'm very proud of this words and gradeful to my grandpa for that ticket to life ❤ So you may see it is some kind of a family craft. Later in 2013 I knew that tatting is popular in the USA and all the other world and tryed myself in international trade market places. It was hard to to infiltrate due to the language and financial features, but several monthes later it was clear that I'm on the next stage of my way! And this story is not finished yet. I'm a happy mother and my son is very interested in shuttle making, so, perpaps, there is an assistant or even a master in the next generation is growing up. Anyway, I'm very pleased that he is proud of me and appreciates my work schedule when I may be with him when it is nessesary even when it is working time for most of people as I'm able to finish something in the evening....